Ok, when i was eating bagels for breakfast,
somehow, we started talking about dreams. then maddie told us her wierdest dream of all.
when the krummenachers and the mcgraths (us) was going camping, duchess (our dog) had babies and had mini-version of baby duchess. we all were super happy same with Lady who was still alive in the dream. Duchess was licking the puppy. me and jake were singing We got puppies. We got puppies. WOOOO! and the voice were actually like the jonas brothers. :D (not lying, ask maddie)
then here r the rest of the people:
Brent and Clint: Strongest people in the world, took the throne of kings of England.
Rebecca: Died of Liver disease :'(
Nate and Jake: started a boy band! :)
Sarah: married Kevin Jonas; moved to Idaho and started their own band together
Caitlin: wasnt there, maddie said.
Laura and Mary: Maddie said she forgot.
:D :D :D :( (for becca)
the story was hilarious!